Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Basic - Ultra-clean Responsive WordPress Theme

Basic - Ultra-clean Responsive WordPress Theme - Personal Blog / Magazine

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Support Forum

I bought 11 themes so far on themeforest and about a dozen more from independent shops (which are usually much better), Basic is my favorite, hands down.

And Daniel is an awesome guy, too. The help forums are active and not neglected.
- sticktoplans

I loved this theme the moment I saw it. Bought it immediately, and it works brilliantly for my needs. You are one talented guy! Thanks for making it and keep up the great work! – Matthew Nicholas

Ultra-clean blog theme by Syamil MJ and Daniel Post.

Basic is an ultra-clean blog theme. Basic gives you the ability to let people actually read your content, instead of focusing on all the other stuff that’s going on on their screen. With Basic, you won’t be distracted.

Fully responsive

Basic is fully responsive and will look perfect regardless of whether you’re using a huge desktop or a small phone. Desktops, iPads, iPhones, Android phones, doesn’t matter. Basic will look great.

Multiple post formats

Basic supports the following post formats: Standard, Quote, Link, Gallery, Video and Audio!

Basic in a nutshell

  • Ultra-clean design

  • Fully responsive

  • Valid HTML5 and CSS3

  • Easily customizable

  • Extensive Theme Options

  • Twitter widget

  • Multiple post formats

Theme Support

If you need any help please visit the support forum:


V 1.1 - April 29, 2013:
- List styles (ul and ol)
- Metadata options (checkboxes)
- Search widget button styling
- Footer buttons: YouTube, RSS, contact
- Open Sans in the font options
- Submenu dropdown
- Background image
- Retina logo
- Color option for mobile menu icon
- Logo color option
- Sub- and superscript support
- Several fixes

V 1.0 - March 27, 2013:
- Initial release

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